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Search Results for: digestive system

Digestive system

Definition noun A system of organs in which the major function is to convert food into simpler, absorbable nutriments to... Read More

How Celiac Disease Affects The Digestive System

Celiac disease is a condition that affects the digestive systems of many individuals all over the world, and in this... Read More

Alimentary canal

Definition of Alimentary canal What is the alimentary canal? The alimentary canal is a muscular hollow continuous tubular... Read More

Intracellular digestion

Intracellular Digestion Definition What is intracellular digestion? ‘Intra’ means "inside" and ‘cellular’ pertains... Read More


Assimilation Definition What is assimilation? Assimilation in biology is defined as the process in which living organisms... Read More

Digestion and Absorption of Food

The gastrointestinal (GI) system includes the gastrointestinal tract (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,... Read More


Lined with moist tissue, the pharynx is like a bustling biological highway that directs food and air to their respective... Read More


An enzyme is a biomolecule that can be synthesized biologically (naturally occurring) or through other processes... Read More


A system pertains to interdependent or interrelated objects comprising and functioning as a whole. In biology, it may refer... Read More


What is Peristalsis? Peristalsis is the series of involuntary, wave-like muscle movements in the cylindrical, hollow tube... Read More

Involuntary muscle

A muscle act typically either under the control of the will or without conscious control. Muscles that can be controlled at... Read More

Humans are Omnivores – Evidence

A number of popular myths about vegetarianism sprung with no scientific basis. One example of such a myth is that man is... Read More


Herbivore Definition A herbivore is the primary consumer of the food chain that usually occupies the second trophic level... Read More


Definition noun (1) (physiology) The catabolic process in the digestive tract where ingested food is converted into simpler,... Read More

Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia Definition Each person can say that they know of or can name at least one animal. However, do people know... Read More


Chorion Definition The chorion is a membrane that develops around the developing fertilized egg. It begins to develop... Read More


Stomach (Science: anatomy, gastroenterology) The most dilated portion of the digestive tube, situated between the oesophagus... Read More


What is the Glycocalyx? The glycocalyx is a polysaccharide-based gel-like, highly hydrous cellular thin layer, covering... Read More


Organisms need to eat food in order to gain energy and survive in the ecosystem. Often, living things are categorized by how... Read More


Definition noun plural: roughages rough·age, ɹʌf'ɪdʒ (1) A dietary fiber (2) Hay or any other coarse feed, such as... Read More


Absorption can be defined as the process of assimilating substances across the intestinal epithelial cells or the tissues... Read More


Egestion is the act or process of voiding or discharging undigested food as faeces. To egest means to discharge undigested... Read More


Animal Definition An animal (plural: animals) refers to any of the eukaryotic multicellular organisms of the biological... Read More


Definition noun, plural: pancreases or pancreata A tongue-shaped glandular structure involved in the secretion of fluid... Read More

Extracellular digestion

Definition noun A form of digestion wherein the breaking down of materials into smaller, absorbable components takes place... Read More

Digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes enzymes that are utilised in the digestive system, enzymes that are hydrolases of macromolecules (e.g.,... Read More


What is the Peritoneum? The term peritoneum refers to the serous membrane that constitutes the biologically active inner... Read More

Endomembrane system

Ever wondered how biomolecules are made within the cell and then they are released outside the cell for use by the body?... Read More


Chordata Definition What is Chordata? Chordata is the phylum of the animal kingdom that includes a large number of animal... Read More


Pleiotropy Definition When one single gene starts affecting multiple traits of living organisms, this phenomenon is known... Read More


GERL Definition GERL is the acronym for Golgi - Endoplasmic Reticulum - Lysosome complex, a system found in the cell and... Read More


Diuresis Definition In simple terms, excessively increased urination is referred to as diuresis. Diuresis is a collective... Read More


Tissue Definition What is tissue in the body? The body tissue is an aggregation of cells that function together and have a... Read More


An organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and... Read More

Gastric juice

Definition noun The acidic digestive fluid secreted by various glands in the stomach lining into the lumen of the stomach,... Read More


Definition noun (taxonomy) A phylum comprised of roundworms characterized mainly by their smooth, cylindrical, thread-like... Read More


Diabetes Definition Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by excessive urine excretion (polyuria) and persistent... Read More


An epithelium is a type of animal tissue made up of densely packed cells (called epithelial cells) that rest on a basement... Read More

Bolus injection

A bolus injection is the act of administering a dose of medication or substance directly into the bloodstream by injection.... Read More

Smooth muscle

The smooth muscle can be described as a type of muscle in the human body that is non-striated and involuntary in action.... Read More